Monday, May 30, 2011

puteri bongsu!!

sudah lame ku mengenali insan ini.....tetapi semenjak kebelakangan ini kehadiran dia semakin bermakna...
ku memerlukan dia...
siapakah dia???

xkira la knpa dan ape sebab munasabhnya...
xkisahla mengapa aku menyayangi dia kerna ku tahu hidup ku cuma untuk dia...
ku menyayangi dia bkn kerana sebab dan alasan...ku menyayangi dia sebab ikhlas dan jujur...

Monday, March 21, 2011

what is that....O.M.G!!!

This thing happen to me a few months ago...hard to me tell anyone,but if i just keep silent it will ruined  my life..
someone,please help me..i'm still shocking...!!
just five minutes late..huh!!!
O.M.G!!! me..
Ok,I will let you all know about this now..THE MOST SHOCKING MOMENT IN MY LIFE!!
the story begins..
During the weekends,that time i'm was in holiday..thinking to having some fun outside..borrow my dad car..
a haunted lorry hit the car...
it is a long time i'm not driving..faster and more faster i'm speed up that car..when I was driving to get to town that morning,suddenly i heard some looks just besides me!!ZRASSS!!My myvi was scratched and a few minutes later,..i'm hit the break car stopped and later on, i heard other sounds..BANGGGGG!!! I saw the horrific accident involving a car and a lorry...heavy rain this morning and I obviously see this lorry is accelerating the speed and lost control and hit the road divider and thrown to the opposite side of the road and then crashed ​​a car from the opposite direction which almost hit me too... The car was badly damaged...the driver looks very severe..Due to the bleeding very much and I think the driver was dead..but for the lorry's driver!arghh,why i need concern about him..he almost made me die,he deserves to die! Oh God, only he knows how shocked me ..This incident should be not happen .. fortunately, I was late minutes .. If not, do not know what will happen .. ya Allah, indeed thankful .. saved me..

Now I i can see it,
I am destined to see this incident as I was too engrossed with the world .... only pursued without thinking about the afterlife, the reward and sin ... time for me to die? It has a lot ofopportunity for me to breath new ... I remember back .. but I want to make sure .. If thedriver who hit me had what might happen ... where do I? ... a moment to think of death a car driver who had died of other mistakes. scared! .. whatever we do, such as driving a car, drive slowly ... if we die due to the mistakes of others ... is not worth it!

"Today has changed my life ...... but when we do something we always do not ever forget to remember him .. not difficult for us to pray to a god who never forgot his servants, andalways giving us a chance, not when the new parents we just want to start worship ..serve before its too late ..... when sick, when in trouble, disaster ... remember him everytime, every time we breathe, every time our heart beats ... It's not hard .... only comply with the order, and avoid what is forbidden ..."
Thank god for show me the right way...amiin.

korang kena tgk ni....